Thursday, May 31, 2007
Just what i needed.....
Today, went for my class around 1.40pm and so as usual, i was late again. LOL... So after class today, i took bus 65 down to tampines to have a walk then i took bus 15 down to Temasek Polytechnic to meet my friend. Had a fun time over there... It's been a long time since we left school last year. After that, we went our seperate ways, i went back to Metro and he went home. I spent most of my time talking to Alfie when i'm there... Thank goodness it's not busy at the Men's department. Then i thought i'll meeting up with a friend of mine, but i waited all the way til 7.30pm then i buah tahan, so i called. Then my friend said she got tell me to wait meh.... Wah~~~ That's powerful sia... So nevermind, i went to buy my dinner, actually i saw her but didn't feel like calling her cause she's with another friend of hers... Hmm.... I ate my dinner there and reached home around 8.15pm... So tired sia today... Slept the whole way through on my journey back home!!! HAHA... i'll be looking for next week's Kbox session!!! LOL.... Hope by that time my throat wll be fine!!! Got to go!
Damn tired~~~~
Oh man, yesterday i thought of having an early night but who knows, i slept at 5am. Wana know why? Because i was playing this game, FIFA 07, and i was trying to complete this freakin' challenge in which i have to play manually against CPU teams. Then the match like damn long sia... One match can take up to 10/15 mins, and then within minutes, u can decide whos the winner le. That's me of course. Cause within a few mins into the game, i can score up to 3 goals!!! So it's so damn tiring... I played til i have backache yesterday sia. HAHA.... Then i woke up at 11am today, found out that i have bloodshot eyes sia.... Tired... Then chat with my friends and do housework.... HAHA... Hungry sia... want to go eat lunch le... My mum cooked fried bee hoon...YUM YUM YUM!!! Go eat le...
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Miss Universe 2007???
I believe u guys got watched this morning's telecast or encore telecast of Miss Universe 2007 right? There's been lots of controversies running around the newly crowned Miss Universe who is from Japan!!! For me, i never did really watched this type of show... Hmm... My mum and sis has been cursing at the judges of the Miss Universe pagent for letting Japan win instead of Brazil... Actually when i heard this news, i also had a shock of my life when i heard the Miss Universe is won by an asian!!! LOL... Cause normally the winners are from the western side of the globe... Never once from the South-east Asia side... Haix... Dun kind of care much also. Kind of tired le... Be going to have an early night... Hope tomorrow the BMC admin staff will call and tell me that my teacher is not in Singapore and thus the lesson will be cancelled!!!! OH, i'll be hoping for that to happen!!! LOL!!!
Lol... Slept at 4/5am yesterday, then woke up at 11.30am. Wanna know how i woke up? I woke up because i kenna disturbed by my mum and sis laughter. They laughed so loud sia... Then get to know that Japan won Miss Universe 2007 from them!!! Then they were objecting strongly that Japan should not be the winner. I duno and dun care about all these things. HAHA... Just now, i almost had a freak scare of my life. I thought my com is spoilt again cause my network suddenly cannot connect. Then later get to know it's the router's problem. Phew... The stupid router sia almost took my life. I thought that i have to bring it for repairs again. So tired sia, my cough is worsening. The phlegm inside just wouldn't come out. So damn irritating, if this continues, i will loose my voice cause i've been coughing and coughing out the phlegm. Haix..Sad la... Go eat lunch le... Hungry!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Just my luck!!!
Today, left home at 1.30pm to go attend my class. I was late for my class for half an hour sia...Powerful??? LOL.... I thought the class today should end at 5.30pm cause Mr Amin told us last week this week will start because of the early release last wednesday. But no, we were released at 5pm sharp today... LOL... Reached home about 6pm then update my blog for the last 2 months. LOL... Powerful right?? Actually i kept a record..LOL... At least thank goodness tomorrow no lesson. Wednesday also duno have or not because Mr Amin might go to Malaysia. Oh, how i wish he will be gone on Wednesday!!! Oh, btw, when i reached class, i took a chair and i say something on it. So i jus brushed it of then i realised it's lizard's SHIT!!! OH MY GOD!!! I can't believe it man... the stupid cleaner never do her job sia... Must COMPLAIN!!! Haha... Singaporean style!!! LOL... Got to go revised my Marketing notes from chapter 1 to 8 liao... If not next lesson Mr Amin give Q&A again, i'll die...HAHA... Got to go.... Chao!!!
Back to my old ways!!!!!
Woah~~~ Feeling a little tired today. Firstly, because i slept at 5am yesterday. Secondly, my lesson is ON today because my teacher is not on MC!!! Stupid teacher...LOL. Well, as usual, i slept til 12pm today sia. Then kena scolding from my mum...LOL... Just finish doing housework. Haix, i jus cannot unerstand why my parents don't do housework. Actually, i did most la, from Mon to Fri, sometimes i do housework for the whole week!!! So i got so damn angry yesterday that i told my dad that i would not be doing housework on weekends!!! Still have that freakin' cough with me. Cannot stand it anymore. It's like u want to cough the phlegm out but it jus would not come out and it leaves a very awful taste inside ur throat... EEWWW, YUCKS!!!!!!! Man, have to go see a doctor. Tell u a secret, i still ate heaty food yesterday. LOL...Me powerful ah!!! LOL... AH~~~~~ Cannot stand it liao, want to cough, *COUGH COUGH*... Having monday blues too... WAH~~~ Can faint sia... Got to go prepare for my lesson le... Cheers!!!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Think & Reflection!!!!
Hi, back again!!! Today didn't do anything much, onli just read my Business Studies materials, play computer games, take a nap and did some thinking. What did i think? LOL... It's kindda lame. I was thinking to myself why there's romance in this world? Why do people fall in love even though they know that they will be hurt one day by his/her gf/bf. This is really funny, dun u think? I think i do get some answers while thinking cause i've been at a stage where i do like someone but never get started off... LOL... Relatively, people as in human in this world is an emotional creature. They need all the love, warmth that they can get. Thus, they seek out for an opposite sex in whom they know they can turned to when they are in need. Both these person will do each to their best to lift up the other in the relationship, thus satisfying their needs of warmth and love....LOL... Sound like a whole bunch of bullshit sia...HAHA... Oh, i also reflect on all these years, past few months (esp. those months when i worked in Metro). And as i recalled those things that happened, i felt that i'm kind of stupid to do such things la... Like for example, i liked a girl and i told her after some time. The response i had is a sad one. She never talked to me eversince, not even a chance of being a friend. It's a very very sad case and up til now, i still blame myself for it. Cause for me, i rather have a friend than to loose one!!! Haix... There's nothing more that i can do, onli to wish her all the best in her studies. If u're reading this, i hope that we can reconcil and be friends again!! I really do!!! Hmm... Sometimes i really wonder if there's anyone out there who really cares about me(except my family members and relatives la) and how i really feels inside of me. Normally, i try to act tough outside, being happy but actually inside, i'm sad. But i cannot really show it in my facial expression. Maybe is because i got a strong ego thus i decide not to show it in front of all my friends!!! Like what the saying goes, "Do not judge the book by it's cover!"... Haix... Lots of things in my heart that i want to say and share but i just couldn't find anyone. Maybe i can??? Duno... I can onli wait for the right person to come my way or maybe there wouldn't be any!!! That will be a sad case also... Hmm... My friend said i was too soft-hearted and i actually pondered over it. Is it really that i'm too soft-hearted??? Maybe i am... If i am, i have to steel up my heart!!! Hmm... There's too much words for me to write down. Maybe next time i'll continue again.
Oh Shit!!!!
Yawn~~~ Man, i'm so damn tired. Managed to wake up jus now around 11.15am. Slept at 5am plus(i think) yesterday cause i watched the soccer match between FC Barcelona and Getafe. I didn't managed to watched the whole match but i knew Barcelona won that match thanks to a 2nd min goal from Ronaldinho.Hmm... I hope they will win the Spanish Premeria Leaga this season cause now they are tied on top with Real Madrid CF at second place due to better head-to-head record!!! I can only hope that Barcelona dun lose any match and Real Madrid lose one game and that will do. Sigh... I think i'm falling sick le. Started coughing yesterday after my Kbox session with my friends and when i got home, i just keep coughing then my throat feel damn dry and itchy!!! Then the worst, there's phlem when i started coughing... ARGH~~~~~~~~~ I dun want to fall sick now, neither do i want to fall sick coz i dun want to be a sick cat!!! HELP~~~~~~ Dun wan go see the doctor, dun wan take medication.... ARGH~~~~ *Cough Cough*.... :'( .... Heck man... Stupid weather...
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Kbox session.... LALALA~~~~
Yo, back again. Thank goodness i slept early yesterday like around 2am then woke up at 7.30am today. Bathed and get ready everything then went out to pasir ris to meet 2 of my friends, Lynn & You Yi, for breakfast. Our meeting time is 8.45am at Pasir ris MRT station. Left home and reached my house bus stop around 7.45am then waited for the freakin' bus til 8.15am. Then i realised cannot wait anymore, if not i'll be late, so i took a cab down. Reached there just in time to do my hair. Shortly after that, You Yi arrived, followed by Lynn, then we went to the newly opened burger king to eat our breakfast. the breakfast there is ok la... Nothing special at all... LOL...Then Cecilia sms me last minute say she sick. She powerful sia... Got nothing to say... So onli 3 of us went to Kbox lor. Arrived there at 11am and we started our session. Had our lunch there cause we went for the Kbox lunch package. The food there is ok la... Not that nice also... But we sang lots of songs and get high and crazy, esp when lynn sings...HAHA... Left that place around 2pm then i came home doing nothing much le... Going to cook my dinner soon. Oh man, so boring now... HAHA... Go download songs now, then next time go again can sing!!! HAHA.... Cheers!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
I'm crazy~~~~
ARGH~~~~~~ I duno wad is happening to me sia... A sudden change of mood just now when my dad got home!!! Oh man, i literally threw my temper at him sia... Now feeling bad about it man... Later must apologise to him. Today got my h/p bill back and when i take a look at it,it cost a bomb!!!! Lol... At least better than last month, haha... So tired also sia, REALLY have to sleep early tonight, if not tomorrow go Kbox with my friends, i got no energy to sing then die liao... HAHA... At least better than one of them who said that she want go there and ZzZzZzZzZ.... Powerful!!! Must call her "shifu"!!! HAHA... Can't wait for tomorrow to come sia... So happy. Ok la, got to go le.. If not, i'll really faint and not make it for tml...LOL... Cheers!!!
HIP HIP HURRAY~~~~~~!!!!!!!
Oh man, i slept at 5am again yesterday sia... I kept saying that i want to sleep early but in the end, i still sleep at 5am... So frustrating... Yesterday night went to edit the database for this game, Football Manager 2007, and i edited all my players to be the best and the youngest...LOL... Am i powerful or wad?!?!?!?This morning while i was still sleeping, Miss Yati from my school, BMC, called me to tell me that the class for today is cancelled. Because our teacher, Mr Amin, is sick!!! LOL, so happy, dun need go school!!! So today i slept longer and i slept til almost 12pm then i wake up!!! Went to cut my hair today and that freakin' auntie jus dun seem to understand english sia... Told her not to cut my sideburn, she still cut... I vowed that i will not give her cut again in my life!!! Damn stupid la... Now i look like an idiot... Humph... Sigh, nevermind la, what's done cannot be undone la... I'll try to forget it but i cannot forgive that aunty!!! LOL~~~ Well, got to go now la. Go eat lunch, hungry le... Cheers!
Friday, May 25, 2007
New Pictures taken from this morning's UEFA Champions Legue Final!!!

This will be the final pictures that i'll be uploading from the UEFA Champions League Finals!!! Enjoy!!!
Blurring out.... :'(
Yawn.... I'm so tired sia... As you should know, i slept at around 5am today because i stayed up late to watch the UEFA Champions League Finals, which eventually turned out that AC Milan won!!! Then i woke up around 10.30am then went back to sleep again and woke up around 11.55am... But i still feel very tired and i just can't seem to find any reason to explain why i'm feeling this way!!! Did nothing much today except doing my usual household choures and my freaking Business Studies homework given to me by Mr Amin... The stupid Case Study!!! Sigh, so fast it's going to sat le. Fast sia, one week is over just like that. Sometimes when i have nothing to do, i usually use the time i have to do some self-reflection and thinking. So, it's just the same today then a thought suddenly flashed through my mind. Why is there love in this world? I thought to myself. LOL... Funny right, but i thought for a while and i came up with an answer. There's love in this world is because human beings are creatures who needed emotions and love is one of the emotions in life that we will definitely experience. LOL~~~ Lame analysis and answer but WHO CARES?!?!?!~~~ HAHA... WAH~~~ Cannot sia, have to sleep early tonight le... Too tired out le... Fainting soon... LOL~~~ Joking, i'm not that weak!!! Cheers! XD
Some pics on the FINAL of UEFA CUP!!!!

The pictures:(Starting from the top) Yohan Gourcuff, Paolo Maldini, Paolo Maldini & Steeven Gerrard, AC Milan team, Seedorf Kaka' & Pirlo celebrating after the 1st goal, Kaka' during the match, Andrea Pirlo, Alessandro Nesta, Kaka', Fillipo Inzaghi celebrating the 1st goal of the match, Fillipo Inzaghi holding on to the UEFA Champions League Cup, Inzaghi and Kaka' celebrating the 2nd and decisive goal of the game!!! XD!!!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
UEFA Champions League Final Part 2: AC MILAN'S NIGHT!!!!
Wow, Wad a great match between the 2 teams, AC Milan & Liverpool!!! As from my title, you all can guess who eventually won the UEFA Cup for this season. You're right, it's the team from ITALIA, AC MILAN!!!! AC Mialn won the match against Liverpool 2-1, thanks to the 2 goals from Fillipo Inzaghi!!! Man, i am so estatic right now that i can hardly contain myself. Even though my favourite club is FC Barcelona, AC Milan has oso been one of my favourite club. In my whole life, i will only support this 2 teams!!! The 2 goals from inzaghi are simply awesome. The first goal came for Milan jus before half time when Andrea Pirlo stepped up to take a free kick just right outside the penalty box. The distance was 22m away from goal. Pirlo shoots and the ball deflected off Inzaghi's body and into the net, sending the Liverpool player the wrong direction. The second goal for inzaghi is simply brilliant. A long pass from Clarence Seedorf to Kaka' who made a through pass to Inzaghi, who in turn ran down towards goal with simply NO resistance at all from the Liverpool defenders!!! And the rest, as you know is history!!! Now, i'll like to see what the Liverpool fans got to say!!! They simply did not win any cup this season if i'm not wrong... I'll definitely taunt my friend by saying this:"Liverpool is such a lousy team that they cannot win the KAMPONG Cup and yet they still dare to set eyes on the EUROPE Cup!!!" LOL... I would like to see the looks of his face when i say that to him!!! I am wondering that if i'm a good predictor of soccer games, cause it seems that most of the games that i predicted, it actually came in my favour!!! Man, i'm so lucky!!! LOL!!! So wad can i say??? AC Milan won and Liverpool LOST!!! I'm so happy and i'm celebrating it now!!!! OLE OLE OLE OLE~~~ MILAN~~~ MILAN~~~!!!! FORZA MILANO! FORZA ROSSENERI!!!! FORZA MILANO!!! LONG LIVE AC MILAN & THE MALDINI FAMILY!!!!! Oh, by the way, the man of the match was Fillipo Inzaghi!!!! Liverpool thought that Kaka was their main threat but they never thought that their real threat come from INZAGHI!!!! AT LAST, THE REVENGE IS COMPLETE FOR AC MILAN!!!! CHEERS~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!
UEFA Champions League Finals!!!! Part 1
Tonight or should i say tomorrow morning... Actually is tomorrow morning cause it's 2am in the morning. It's the decisive battle and it'll be the battle of the century. It's even better than last year's battle between two european clubs: FC Barcelona vs Arsenal!!! As you all know, last season Barcelona won the UEFA Champions Final which was held in Paris with the scoreline 2-0, all thanks to the brilliance of ex-Barcelona striker, Henrik Larsson. The swede single handedly created 2 goals which were scored by Samuel Eto'o and Belletti. But tonight is a different story even though it's the same competition. Because this magnificent match will be played by 2 great clubs, one from Italy and the other from England. From Italy, I present you AC Milan. This club has the experience of veterans like Paolo Maldini and Nesta at the back of the defense. While in midfield, they have Gattuso the "rhino" and Andrea Pirlo who is one of the deadliest in spotkick situation. Not to forget, their midfield maestro, KAKA'. The brilliance of this brazillian is the key to this matchup. For strikers, they have Fillipo Inzaghi and Alberto Gilardino. Both of the strikers are good as they have their unique qualities. Then from the England side, we have Liverpool. This club has lifted 5 Champions League cups and they are still going strong with Steven Gerrard leading the team. And the recently purchased Defensive Midfielder, Javier Mascherano, will be a great boost to the team as he has the reputation of breaking up plays and attacks from the opposing team. This will be a tight match as these 2 clubs met before 2 years ago with Liverpool winning on the last encounter through penalties. Who will win? Milan or Liverpool? For me, i certainly hope it's AC Milan cause i jus dun like Liverpool!!!! Viva Milano!!! Watch and catch up with Part 2 of my story!!! Cheers...
So Relaxing....
Oh man, to day the lesson is so RELAXING. Lol... Today i was late for class for about 10 mins but thank goodness the class haven even start yet. Why i was late? Because i ate my lunch at home, homemade udon...LOL... It's delicious. By the way, When i reached there, i found out my class changed to 2nd level so i proceeded down. Then saw my classmates changing classroom, so that's how i know they haven start the lesson. Today, Mr Amin is sick so we negotiated and we decided to end the class early so that he can go see a doctor. But he will release us at a later timing depending on wad time we end. I went there for only 1 hour lesson which is until 3pm then we went off le. So he will return the 2 hour deficit to us by extending the lesson to half an hour for each lesson, for the next 4 lessons, jus to make up for the 2 hours of early release!!! So after my lesson, i went to Plaza Singapura to buy Aloe Vera drink for my mum then i took bus 65 down to Ubi then changed to bus 15 to Tampines. Then from there, i took bus 27 back to Sengkang... HAHA...Long journey sia but i managed to catch some sleep on the bus... LOL... Reached home around 6pm then watched tv with my mum and i managed to hear this song sung by Yang Pei An. The title is 'Wo Xiang Xin', in english is 'I believe'... That song is so nice...LOL... So nice til i went to download it even before i bath...HAHA.... Then later going out to meet my uncle they all for dinner at Yishun. So HUNGRY~~~~ ARGH~~~~ Must eat something if not i'll faint liao... HAHA... Jus joking, not that serious... Well, Gtg le... Later tonight then continue on the MAIN event: UEFA CUP 2007 FINAL... AC MILAN vs LIVERPOOL!!! (Hope Liverpool lose!!!) XD.... Later!!!
Man, slept at 4am again yesterday and woke up at 10am today... Feeling so freaking blur and tired sia... Now my eyes have become darker. OMG, if i continue on, i'll become a real life human panda...Argh~~~~~~ Hmm, my uncle got his new car today and it looks tight!!! A red colour, small sized Honda.... Very nice and it's quite spacious inside. This reminds me that one of my uncle has been pushing me to take my driving liscense...LOL... He said that i should complete my driving liscense asap so that i can drive the car. I think i will take with my cousin bah...LOL... But come to think of it, with a driving liscense, it will do me lots of good. Can drive around Singapore when i'm bored...LOL..Lame... -.-""... LOL... Gtg eat my lunch and go lesson liao la... Write again later... HAHA... Continuation of the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL!!!!! HAHA... Cheers...XD!!!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Haha... This is my very first blog. Actually also not quite my first cause before this i had an account. But due to the length of time i didn't use, u all should know the rest bah...LOL...Well, Today did nothing much at home actually, all i know is that i'm dead tired and blur today due to the amount of sleep i had yesterday. I slept at 5am for the past 2 days and woke up at 11am. If i continue on like this, i'll faint sia...LOL... School started for me also last Monday. Man, it's kind of relax schedule for me. I took Business Studies which consists of 5 modules. I jus started on my first module and my timetable goes on as follows:1) Marketing(1st module): 2pm-5pm, every Mon, Wed & Fri. The length of this module is from 14/5/07 to 13/6/07. 2)Business Finance(2nd module): 2pm-5pm, every Tues & Thurs. The length of this module is from 19/6/07 to 2/8/07. 3)Business Organization & Environment(3rd module): 2pm-5pm, every Mon, Wed & Fri. The length of this module is from 9/7/07 to 13/8/07. 4)Effective Business Communication(4th module): 2pm-5pm, every Tues & Thurs. The length of this module is from 16/8/07 to 4/10/07. 5) Human Resource Management(5th module): 2pm-5pm. The length of this module is from 3/9/07 to 3/10/07. Actually is onli the first two module that is relaxing. But the stressing part will start during the 3rd module cause by the 3rd module, i have to go class everyday... Man, i think i'll be stressed to death during that time...LOL.... But i really can't wait for this course to be over with cause i wanna get my Diploma in Business Studies...Whoo Hoo... Hmm, can't wait for this Sat to arrive cause i'm going to Kbox. Wah... So happy sia... Can go sing til i lose my voice.... HAHA... Hmm... GTG le... Now feeling very groggy and blur... Have to go sleep and recharge my batteries...If not, i'll die of fatigue... LOL... Cheers!!!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Yea!!! Got my com back le!!!
YESH~~~ Got my computer back today from repair. The guy said it's overheated so it's spoilt. He helped me changed the cover for my whole cpu to a black one and it looked so damn cool la... Like it very very much... I hope it will not be spoilt again la. Yesterday slept at 4am then woke up around 11am today sia. Can't wait for the 26th May to come coz can go KBOX sing song!!! Sian sia, 3rd day of lesson already got project, just imagine the months to come. I dun even want to imagine about it sia!!!
Friday, May 18, 2007
AH~~~ ACTORS!!!! AH~~~
Today went out with my Godsis, Stella. Met her up at the Ang Mo Kio Hub and since i arrived quite early, i decided to take a walk. Guess who i saw?? I saw 2 mediacorp artiste over there having a recording. They are Zhong Qin and duno who's the other guy!! LOL!!! After meeting my Godsis up, we took bus 25 down to her secondary school coz she needs to take her cert... Then she had to stay and oversee her Wushu team...LOL... Quite oring for me cause the way i see them trained, it's as if they were playing! No seriousness at all! If the trainers were my uncle, i think they'll be dead by now!!! They can count themselves lucky! Some lucky brats!!! LOL!
Monday, May 14, 2007
A skin doctor???
I was so pissed off on Thurs because my computer went berserk for no apparent reasons and i had to send it for repairs. ARGH~~~ Just brought it back for a few days only sia!!! Nevermind, then also went out with my mum to IKEA to meet my uncle and aunty for lunch. Bought som chicken wings and pass it to Cecilia. Then on Fri, my mum brought me to see a skin doctor. The cost for the medication plus treatment is $50... So expensive sia... But it's kind of effective. After taking his medication and use the cleanser to wash my face, my face is better now.... Yesterday did nothing much, only went back to Metro to look for some old mates but they're not ther... Today did brownie fudge then sent it to You Yi and Cecilia. Just now went to Metro again to see Thomas, Alfie, Erwin etc... then later maybe going to my cousin's 21st birthday party... LOL.. Got to go le...
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Nothing much better to do!
Woke up around 9.30am today, duno why recently i keep waking up so early sia. On the com from 9am to 12pm(I think). Then went to do my housework for today which is to vaccum and mop the floor. Finished all my housework by 1pm then continue to be on the com and eat my lunch. Went to baidu to search for this song 'Love Story' by Fan Yi Chen. I managed to find it but can't seem to download it. So damn frustrated. Around 3pm, my mum sent me to Century Square where i went to see my friends in metro and to shop around to buy the brownie mixture.. Then took bus 15 down to parkway and then to pasir ris. Met Zhi Cong on the bus, lol... He definitely changed a lot. The whole journey is about one and the half hour. Reached pasir ris at 6.30pm where i bought somthing to eat. Reached home about 7.10pm then had my dinner. My mum made salad and sambal fish for dinner. It was delicious. LOL... Got to go liao. My stupid com has problems again! ARGH~~~~ So frustrating
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Yesterday slept around 2am but i woke up at 8.30am today. Or maybe, i should even say that it's as if i never sleep at all... Felt very very tired when i woke up today. So i decided to do the housework choures early then i went out to Funan to collect my computer back. The service charge is $40 and i also bought a web cam for $49.50. I was so happy today... Reached home about 1pm and settled everything by 1.40pm.... Fast right!!! I checked my mail, go to friendster and install all the necessary stuff that i need in the com. LOL.... Today kind of tired but i still managed to wash the clothes and hang them. Then i also ironed the clothes... Power sia... To sum it all up, today's kind of boring cause never go out except to collect my computer.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
First Business Studies Class(Testing)~~~
Did nothing much today. Woke up at 1.45am today then watch tv all the way til 12.35pm. Then went to do my housework all the way til 1.05pm. Went down to buy lunch after i bathed.And wou know something? The aunty gave me so much things that i ate til i become bloated sia... Then i took a 'nap' from 3.45pm to 6.30pm. Then went down to Admiralty to sit-in for my first Business Studies lesson, taught by my father. It started at 7.30pm and end at 9.30pm. I was late for half an hour...Lol... Cecilia said that the reason for me being late is because i want to give a bad impression and let the people remember me...LOl... Anyway after the class, my dad and i went home and when we got home, we met my mum and sis. Then we went to Yio Chu Kang to eat roti prata. And also the guy from Funan called me to tell me that i can collect my com tml. Man, i'm so happy that i'll get my com back tml. And i'm gonna get a webcam...HAHA... Got to go... Cheers!!!
Monday, May 7, 2007
I actually cooked!!!
Slept around 4am yesterday and woke up at 9am today. Went to compass point to play game until 12pm when my Godsis, Stella, and Tim arrived. I brought them to my house then they watched dvd while i prepared lunch. I cooked fired rice for lunch today. After lunch, i made brownies because i promised Cecilia taht i'll bake and deliver it to her place today. Started doing it at 3.30pm and complete the whole baking thing by 5.30pm and we went to compasspoint to have our neoprint taken. Then i went down to Serangoon with Tim and Godsis, to take a bus down to pasir ris mrt. Reached there around 7.44pm then i took bus 15 down to Cecilia's place. Delivered the brownies around 8.10pm then went home. About half an hour later, she smsed me that the brownies i passed to her all finish le. She told me that her family finished it.... HAHA... Didn't know the brownies i baked is so nice...LOL...Got to go...!!!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Sian... No computer!!!
Woke up around 9.30am(I guess). Then went to bath and wait for my parents to finish doing their stuffs. I waited for my dad to send me to tampines. So after sending my mum to compass point, my dad decided to take our computer and send it for repairs due to some problems... So he sent me to Funan to repair the com and i guess i wouldn't be using the com for at least the next 3-4 days. Ah~~~ Then after that, my dad sent me to tampines Century Square. Went to visit all my metro old mates. Today i got to know that Hyzal and Fyzal are brothers!!! Surprised right? Then after visiting them, i went to Metro Sengkang to play their Xbox game (FIFA World Cup). Yes man, FC Barcelona won Real Sociedad 2-0... So damn happy! Tomorrow, my Godsis and Tim are coming to my house for lunch. Can't wait for tomorrow to come. Have to make brownies with white chocolate for Cecilia also.... But i seriously wonder if it's nice or not... Haix, dun care la... LOL... Go sleep le... Nitez!!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Went to Compasspoint just now to get the refund for my expired ez-link card. Then i went to Metro Sengkang to take a look and have a walk around. Went to the Kbox section and the demo game they put on is FIFA World Cup!!! Woah, i was excited at the sight of it. I played til 8.30pm then i went home.LOL... But now quite hungry cause never eat my dinner just now. Recently, i dun have any appetite to eat...Haix.... Wad's HAPPENING to me?!?!?!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Labour Day!!!
Today is Labour Day and it's a public holiday for everyone! (If i'm not wrong la.) Today woke up at 8.30am to prepare and get ready to go out with my Godsis and Tim to Kbox! I meet up with my Godsis at Serangoon bus interchange at 10am. So i got my dad to fetch me down, faster la!!! After we met up, we took bus 81 to pasir ris where we met up with Tim. Oh, forget to tell u something, my ez-link card expired yesterday and i didn't know at all and so i have to pay the bus fare by coins!!! So frustrated!!! But nevermind, continuing on the day's progress. We went to Parkway or whould i say Marine Parade Kbox and i got myself a Kbox membership for just $5...HAHA... Not bad sia. We sang from 12pm all the way to 5pm... Shiok sia. Then after that, i went to meet up with my family and relatives and we went down to Marina Bay to have BBQ!!! LOL.... But the same, i didn't eat much... It's fun sia... Love today!!!
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